Andrea Kaszewski
I began practicing yoga in 2001 and Iyengar yoga in 2011. On moving to Edinburgh in 2014 and attending classes at the EIYC, teachers Elaine, Meg and Lucy encouraged me to consider teaching. I started teacher training that year lead by Helen Graham and achieved Introductory Certificate in 2016. It is a privilege to teach yoga and to see the positive change and connections that yoga brings to people.
Anne Kilgour
Started yoga at 17, initially drawn to stretching and relaxation. Discovered Iyengar yoga at EYIC over 25 years ago, where my practice evolved. Regular classes and teachers encourage and challenge me. Achieved Introductory Certificate in 2011. Yoga anchors and energizes me, providing a sense of well-being. Feel privileged and amazed to teach others.
Catero Hawkins
Yoga stimulates, soothes, challenges and delights me. Teaching Yoga offers me the opportunity to share with others my understandings of what I find an extraordinary art and science. I have enjoyed teaching at the Edinburgh Iyengar Yoga Centre since moving to Edinburgh in 1983 and hold the Level 3 qualification.
Claudia Cotronei
Started yoga in the late 1980s when I moved to Edinburgh from Rome. The Iyengar Yoga community became my adoptive family, providing the warmth I missed from Italy. Grateful for studying with inspiring teachers, including Guruji, Geeta, and Prashant, I am now a certified Level 3 teacher. The journey continues…
Clare Stephen
Discovered yoga in India at 19, fell in love with its profound practice. Joined EIYC in 1981, qualified as a teacher in 1989. The center feels like family, a constant presence in life. Visited India for teachings from Iyengars, earned Level 3 teaching certificate in 2005.
Clare Trodden
I’ve been teaching for almost 20 years. Yoga practice has been a central part of my life for even longer. I trained in Edinburgh and learned more at the centre in Pune, India, about how Iyengar yoga is accessible to all. I love teaching students of all ages, abilities, shapes and sizes.
Elaine Pidgeon
Studying Iyengar Yoga since 1976 with Bob and Kathy Welham, I began teaching in 1980. Inspired by BKS Iyengar, my transformative visits to the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute fueled my passion. Although I still teach at the Centre, I am now retired as a senior examiner for the IY(UK), where I have witnessed the profound transformations Iyengar Yoga brings.
Gordon Jardine
My Iyengar yoga journey started in New Zealand where I qualified as a teacher then gaining Level 2 in the UK. I’m constantly learning from the classes I attend, from students and from my own practice.
Jane Walker
I’m lucky to have practised yoga since the early 80s. In 2011 I qualified as ateacher, progressing to level 3 in 2019. A highlight was my 2018 visit to the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India when I was taught by Geeta & Prashant Iyengar.
Julie Amers
I qualified as a yoga teacher in 2007. In 2018 I spent a month studying yoga in Pune, India and also received my Level 2 teaching certificate. My teaching approach is positive and encouraging. It’s a pleasure to share my love of yoga and to see students making progress and feeling better.
Karen Watt
I have practiced yoga since the early ‘90s and qualified as a Level 1 teacher in 2020. I love visiting India and have been taught by the Iyengars in Pune and Firooza Ali Razvi in Dehradun. I appreciate the Iyengar emphasis on accessibility and delight in teaching students of all ages and body types.
Katie Rutherford
I have been a yoga practitioner since the 70s and became a teacher in 1987. I travel to India every year to study with the Iyengar family. Yoga makes you more comfortable with yourself – it is a technology that makes our minds positive and confident and able to lead a happy life.
Kyoko Atsumi
Practising Iyengar Yoga since 1991. I first attended Guruji, Mr B.K.S. Iyengar’s class in 1993 in Tokyo. Since1996 I have visited RIMYI every few years and was taught by Mr Iyengar and his daughter Geeta Iyengar. Started teacher training in 1994 at EIYC under Elaine Pidgeon and Meg Laing. I am now a Level 2 teacher.
Lesley Johnston
Practicing Iyengar Yoga since 1980, I qualified as a Teacher in 1989. Privileged to study under Senior Teachers in Britain and Pune, I now teach Level 3 Classes at the Centre. Yoga is a major part of my life, and I aim to share skills and enthusiasm gained through years of practice at this unique yoga center.
Leyla Kerlaff
Began yoga at Edinburgh University in 1996, discovered EIYC with varied teachings from Katie, Catero, Elaine, and Meg. Qualified as a teacher in 2020, grateful for the enduring presence of yoga in my life. Currently, joyfully sharing this journey with fellow students.
Lisa Johnston
Yoga has been integral to my life since my teens - strengthening me physically and mentally. My go-to medicine, sustaining me through all life’s challenges. My ultimate aim is that your interest is piqued and you feel ready to open the yoga door to the many benefits that lie ahead.
Maureen Clarke
Began yoga in my early twenties in Edinburgh, joining Bob Welham's Iyengar class. Initially a gap-filler from ballet, yoga quickly became more than just physical for me. It grounds and sustains me through life stages. Sharing enthusiasm through teaching since 1981, I hold a Level 3 certificate (formerly Junior Intermediate) since 1998.
Sarah Malcolm
Since discovering Iyengar Yoga as a student in Edinburgh I have enjoyed the energy and strength it provides. The focus on alignment, precision, and balance of mind and body continue to inspire me. Now a Level 1 teacher (2020), I regularly benefit from classes and workshops with senior teachers.
Susan Smith
Started practicing at Edinburgh Iyengar Yoga Centre at seventeen, drawn to its precision and strong, detailed instructions. Taught by various Iyengar Yoga teachers globally, I appreciate the excellent teaching at the center. A Level 3 teacher since the 1990s, I find great joy in practicing and teaching yoga.
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