Lucienne Returns!
🕔 Date & Time: Monday, July 1st, 17:30 - 19:30
🧘 Workshop Theme: "Take your Seat in Standing Asanas"
🌿 Level: General
We're delighted to announce the return of Lucienne Vidah! Join us on Monday, July 1st, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM for her "Take your Seat in Standing Asanas" workshop.
Lucienne will guide us through a dynamic exploration of seated postures and standing asanas, making us think about the interconnectedness between the two.
This workshop is designed for practitioners with 2 years Iyengar experience at General level and will help you discover how each posture informs and enhances the other, leading to a deeper understanding of alignment, balance, and strength within your practice.
But don't just take our word for it! Here's some feedback from our recent workshop with Katie Rutherford on inversions:
"We had a great workshop on Sunday morning that focused on inversions. Some asanas can make us fearful, both physically and mentally, and sirsasana is one of those. To find that feeling of sthira sukham asanam (YS 2.46) – the principle of steadiness and comfort in asana – is especially hard when you are finding balance upside down. The key is the 'muladhara kriya' – the grip in the base of the buttocks and a firm pelvic floor which helps you to lift the legs away from gravity and thereby allow the shoulders to widen and lift. It was wonderful to see everyone doing sirsasana in the middle of the room – supported, of course, by the teacher and assistants. And lovely high, lifted sarvangasanas."
And here's what a few of the participants told us about their morning:
Andrea Weisse: “These workshops are a great chance to focus and get inspiration to improve my practice. In the latest inversions workshop I got really motivated to start weaning myself off the wall for shirshasana. I learned that with the right focus on the pelvic floor action I am actually able to stand freely in shirshasana, which I've never been able to do when at the wall. So I learned that sometimes the support can hold me back..."
Mridula Sridhar: “I had a great time at the Inversions Workshop being guided in a meticulous way through the proper alignment I need to maintain to feel steady in an inverted pose. I find those learnings relevant even for my regular posture and alignment and I am excited to continue my practice with this diligent intentionality and curiosity that Katie imparts and encourages!”
Anne Docherty: “I very much enjoyed the workshop yesterday, and learned so much. Yoga is both joyful and challenging, and the need for constant review of alignments, muscle groups and attention to detail is key. So having time and an amazing teacher – Katie’s explanations and descriptions were excellent - was a great privilege. Having a two-hour class on a Sunday morning works well for me and this has helped me feel even more motivated and invigorated for my yoga practice.”
Spaces are limited for Lucienne's workshop, so be sure to reserve your spot early and we are offering 50% off for those who are age 26 and under using discount code: U26WORKSHOP